# R_meta.gra - AGFL grammar defining globally used affixes. # # This file is a module of the Russian Parser for Information Retrieval (RuForIR) AGFL grammar, # version 2.1, 25.10.2002. # It can be processed using the AGFL parser generator to generate the RuForIR parser. # # The grammar is based on the Affix Grammar for Basic Russian. # Original version 1997 # Updated by I. Azarova, 2002 # # Copyright 1997-2002 Saint-Petersburg University POST :: post | non. # An affix for pronouns standing with or without preposition. PREFTY :: neg | emph | indef. # Types of pronoun prefixes: negative, emphatic, indefinite. SUFTY :: semidef | indef. # Types of pronoun suffexes: semi-indefinite, indefinite. PROTY :: QUES | INDEF | NEG. # Types of pronoun: question, indefinite, negative. QUES :: ques. INDEF :: indef | semidef. NEG :: neg | emph. ADVTYPE :: ADVERB | ATTR. # Types of adverb meanings: adverbial, attributive. ADVERB :: time | place | cause | group. ATTR :: char | degree | quant | modal. PRONOUN :: non | PERSON | PROTY | DESCR. # Types of proniun words: predicate, adjunct; negative. DESCR :: quant | demonstr | exist. PARTTYPE :: PROTY. # Types of particles: defined in terms of pronoun types. PREPTYPE :: source | other. DECLTYPE :: ord | ordk | ordsh | ordsh_s | ordc | ordc_s | pal | pali | palij | pal_n | irreg | irregj | zero. # Types of noun's declension. ADDTYPE :: ADTYPE | IRREG | zero.# Types of adjective's declension. ADTYPE :: ord | ord_s | ordk | ordk_s | ordsh | ordsh_s | ordc | ordc_s | pal | pali. IRREG :: irreg | possess. NUMTYPE :: sa | ta | tb. # Types of numeral's declension. GENDERM :: GENDER | joint | masfem | PLTANT. PLTANT :: plmasc | plfem | plneut. PECUL :: non | ADDITIONAL. ADDITIONAL :: SPECIAL | MIXED. SPECIAL :: part | rloc | nom | gen | abl. MIXED :: PLBOTH | plabl. PLBOTH :: plnom | plgen. VERBTYPE :: VBTYPE | PASTYPE | irreg. VBTYPE :: ETYP | ITYP. ETYP :: ord| ordshe| pale| palje. ITYP :: pali| palji | ordshi. PASTYPE :: VOW| cons| noinf. VOW :: vow | sut.